Career Counselling

Students Mantrana is one of the most reputed career counselling service provider in Maharashtra. As a career guidance and counselling platform, we understands how important a career can be for a student. Thus, we are here to derive the best career plan for you.

Student Mantrana's aim is to provide the best advice and support to the students regarding mastering their goals and bringing career satisfaction.

Career is a much significant part of our lives today than it was ever. With so many career choices, institutes, job opportunities, courses, it is highly difficult for a student to derive the most suitable ones.

Choosing the best career option not just offers an effective job opportunity but also it paves a path to the respectful lifestyle.

The way a job shapes the way of living for an individual, similarly we at Students Mantrana help to shape up an effective career path for yourself. Career counselling basically helps student in taking small right steps at the right time to achieve big in life.

Remember that you cannot indulge in everything when it comes to choosing a career. Take one wise career decision with the help of our career counselling expert. One right decision can change your life.


For Classes 9th to 10th

Find your Career Interest, stream / subjects. Exploring about career early through Psychometric test.


For Classes 11th to 12th

Comprehensive and accurate assessment for choosing right career option, courses, institute and stream. Profiling career based on Interests, Work Styles/Personality and Abilities.


For College Graduates

What after Graduation?Institute and job selection, profile planning and development.

Success Mantra

“Always try to represent yourself happy because initially, it becomes your look. Gradually it becomes your habit and finally, it becomes your personality.”

~ Swami Vivekananda

“Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.”

~ Swami Vivekananda