Psychometric Profiling

Identifying career choices is not something that needs to be taken so lightly. Before finalising decision about pursuing a particular line of work for the student, we consider all the relevant factors associated with student to finalise best suitable course for him /her. For that purpose our counselling expert coducts a Psychometric Test of the student which is based on detailed analysis of strength, weakness and interest. Also, we jolt down the external factors such as personal responsibilities priorities, financial strength. The test is designed to essentially assess the vocational interest of students to help and guide them in making an informed career choice. It tests if people are realistic and doers by nature, interpretive and investigative, artistic and creative, social and helpers, enterprising by nature or organized by nature. On the basis of this test, one gets to know their top interest themes. All in all, a candidate gets a detailed profile of themselves mapped against different factors that help provide a clear roadmap and top career recommendations. Post-assessment, they get a personalized unique career report with recommendations.

Process Of Psychometric Testing & Career Counselling

☆ Know Yourself

The first stage of Career Counselling starts with detail analysis of students interest and abilities. This phase involves identifying your interest and understanding your aptitudes, skills, likedand disliked subjects, hobbies, reading/ writing, etc. Analysing at their own end is essential while taking a decision.

☆ Psychometric Test

The online career assessment includes Interest Assessment, Personality Assessment, and Aptitude Assessment.

The Aptitude assessment has 5 factors-
Numerical Aptitude, Verbal Aptitude, Mechanical Aptitude, Spatial Aptitude, Reasoning Aptitude
- against which a candidate’s ease with numbers, language concepts, machine understanding, pattern recognition power and logical reasoningare checked.

This is followed by the Personality test where a student’s personality is assessed against five parameters - Learning Orientation, Interpersonal Orientation, Emotional Orientation, Attitudinal Orientation, Conscientiousness Orientation - followed by the entire profiling of student personality.

Psychometric career test also includes an Interest Assessmentin which a candidate’s most common interest patterns are figured out.The test is designed to essentially assess the vocational interest of students to help and guide them in making an informed career choice. On the basis of this test, one gets to know their top three interest themes.

☆ Report Generation and Evaluation

All in all, a candidate gets a detailed profile of themselves that help provide a clear roadmap and top career recommendations. Post-assessment, you get a personalized unique career report.

☆ Final Counselling

On the basis of your Psychometric tests, you would be guided about stream selection, subject selection, suitable career opportunities, courses available, institutions offering courses, right career path.

Success Mantra

“Always try to represent yourself happy because initially, it becomes your look. Gradually it becomes your habit and finally, it becomes your personality.”

~ Swami Vivekananda

“Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.”

~ Swami Vivekananda